Few days ago, my client sent me a shapefile contains points of their soil samples. They do not send me the spreadsheet or any additional data. Basically, now I have only the spatial file, no other information or spreadsheet is available. So what we can do with this spatial file? In the following article, I will show you how to extract coordinates (X and Y) from a spatial table (Shapefile).

From the picture above, we can easily extract or generate point coordinates (X and Y) using QGIS. The following video, you will see how I extract the coordinates of the points.
Thank you for reading this short article. I hope you enjoy it.
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How to Generate Coordinates from Points on ArcGIS Pro - GIS Tutorial
February 8, 2022[…] Thanks for reading this article and see you in the next tutorial. If you don’t have ArcGIS Pro, you can also generate XY coordinate from the point layer using QGIS. […]