Oracle Database 23ai is a powerful database management system with cutting-edge AI capabilities, but by default, it is locked down for security reasons. If you need to connect to your Oracle 23ai database remotely, you must configure it properly. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the process in a step-by-step to enable remote access to Oracle Database 23ai.
If you haven’t installed the database, you can visit my previous article on How to Install Oracle Database 23ai on Oracle Linux. So in this article, I will configure and connect to my Oracle Database 23ai installed on Oracle Linux version 9. This is a cloud server. Which means, I am running my Oracle Linux on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Steps to Enable Remote Access to Oracle Database 23ai
Step 1. Modify listener.ora file
Oracle Listener is responsible for managing incoming database connections. To enable remote access, you need to modify the listener.ora
configuration file. Listener.ora tipycally located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora.
Open the listener.ora using favorite text editor. In this example, I use nano.
sudo nano $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora
Change the HOST value to
Restart listener service
lsnrctl stop
lsnrctl start
Step 2. Open Firewall Port
We need to allow traffic on port 1521. Simply use the following command
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=1521/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Step 3. Test Remote Connection
Now we can try to connect to the Oracle Database from the network.
If we use SQLPLUS, use the following command. Modify your_user, your_password, your_server_ip, orcl with your database detail.
sqlplus your_user/your_password@your_server_ip:1521/orcl
For example, in my case:
sqlplus DHANI/Oracle.12345@
Using SQL Developer
Download SQL Developer if you haven’t done so. Run the app and then enter your Oracle Credentials