In this article, I will show you how to fetch MySQL Table into a data frame and then export the data to Microsoft Excel format in Python. We will need two modules in Python, mysql-connector and pandas. With these two modules, we will be able to read MySQL Table and then export to Excel (.xlsx).
Here is an example:
#Create a new MySQL Connection
import mysql.connector
import pandas as pd
conn = mysql.connector.connect(host='',
#Create a new query
myquery = 'select * from Tbl_DHSample order by HoleID, From_m'
#Create a new dataframe and load the data into dataframe
mydataframe = pd.read_sql(myquery,conn)
#Export to excel
mydataframe.to_excel(r'F:\test.xlsx', index=False)
#Catch the error
except mysql.connector.Error as e:
print(r"Error: {e}")
Due take note of the following line:
mydataframe.to_excel(r'F:\test.xlsx', index=False)
Make sure to change the F:\test.xlsx with your path.