Welcome to Global Mapper Tutorial. Today, we are going to show you how to export vector layer to PostGIS Spatial Database on Global Mapper. Global Mapper is capable to export vector layer to many GIS formats including the one that we will discuss here, PostGIS Spatial Database. I mostly use ogr2ogr command line tool to export or convert my GIS datasets to PostGIS format. But, in some cases, I need a reliable GUI tool that can be used to export vector layer to PostGIS.
Interesting article to read:
Steps to Export Vector Layer to PostGIS Spatial Database on Global Mapper
First, open the vector layer in Global Mapper. On the following example, I have a contour layer opened in my Global Mapper 18.0 full version.
Now, let’s start exporting the layer to PostGIS. Go to File | Export | Export Vector Spatial Database. Then, choose the Spatial Database Connection (ArcSDE, PostGIS, etc).
Click OK and then select your PostGIS connection. Please refers to this tutorial to create a new connection to PostGIS on Global Mapper.
On the next window, specify what to export. Please note that the spatial database does not allow the mixing of different entity types (such as point, lines, and areas) in a single table.
Hit OK and it should start uploading process.