In my previous tutorial, we’ve learned how to create catchment analysis using ArcMap. But you may or may not encounter some issues during the process. One of the annoying issues is when running snap pour points and watershed tools. Sometimes, I got the following error when running some Spatial Analyst Tools/Hydrology.

As you can see, there are many errors but we should focus on the one that says: Image Server is not supported with the current license. I am pretty sure that I have the required license to run this tool.
How to Fix This
To fix this issue, we need to disable the Parallel Processing feature. I know it’s a bit strange. Parallel Processing should improve the processing speed by utilizing multiple cores that we have on a modern processor. But, for some reason, this is not happening.
Open the Tool. For this purpose, I will use the Watershed tool. Before we press OK to run the process. Click Environments.

Scroll down to the Parallel Processing section. Type 0 and press OK

Now the process should works.
Lily Stensson
February 3, 2021Thank you for this post =)
Karen Nyondo
May 9, 2021Worked perfectly, thank you.
June 18, 2021Worked perfectly, thank you.
Bhawana Dawande
September 12, 2021Thank you for this. I was trying so hard from 2 days but nothing worked. Your a savior.
Mahmoud megahed
October 25, 2021you are my herooo
thank you
October 27, 2021Grazieeee
nicholas charles
November 8, 2021Thank you
Masab Rafique
November 14, 2021Thank you so much ufffffffffff uffffffff
Jonathan Tsoka
November 17, 2021Thank you very much!!
César Campioni
December 22, 2021Man i hope u go to haven, i love u
December 23, 2021Wowww, I experienced this error for several weeks but this works perfectly now, even a GIS consultant couln´t figure it out, many thanks friend.
Tejith Pogakula
January 16, 2022Thanks for the workaround. Greatly appreciated
Iury Della Justina Vieira
January 17, 2022MEU DEUS, funcionou como uma luva!
January 22, 2022millones de graciasss!!!!
February 17, 2022You are a GENIUS!!!!
March 18, 2022you are the real helper, may god help you.
April 4, 2022Ídolooo!!!
Gilang Pranatan
April 26, 2022TERIMA KASIH
May 8, 2022many thanks
Anindya Banik
May 9, 2022Love you, man! May God bless you!!
May 13, 2022Funcionou demais. Muito obrigado!
May 24, 2022Funciona, muchas gracias!!!
El Darien
May 27, 2022¡Muchas gracias hermano, me salvaste!!!
Abdul Baser Qasimi
September 8, 2022Thank you so much
October 1, 2022Muchas gracias, sí funcionó.
Thanks so much, it worked
November 9, 2022Thanks !!
November 28, 2022MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!! ERES UN GENIO!!1
wajid ali
December 6, 2022thank you so much
it take a week to solve problem but when i see your post it took seconds
December 17, 2022Excelente
Emmanuel Bahiu
January 5, 2023Waoooh! I experienced this error for several days but this works perfectly now.
Thanks, May God Bless you for being ready to share this experience.
Oruma Emmanuel
February 23, 2023Thank you so much! I’ve been over this stage allthrough today. God bless you.
May 25, 2023you are the best !!! 😀 !
May 30, 2023Than you very much sir!
October 8, 2023yes it worked! you are un-song hero!!
October 9, 2023Thanks a lot, it works, you are a genius!
November 30, 2023Top Top Top! Thank you
Hasan Tahsin
December 5, 2023This is a miracle, of course you too
Mauricio Victoria
December 13, 2023Mil gracias, solucionó el problema que cargaba hace días!!!
March 9, 2024MUITO OBRIGADA!!!!!!!!
February 13, 2025excelente obrigado