In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Oracle Spatial Studio on Oracle Linux 9. I have been testing and trying to learn more about Oracle Spatial Studio. Oracle Spatial Studio is a web-based tool that enables users to visualize, analyze, and work with spatial data stored in Oracle databases. It provides a user-friendly interface for GIS-style mapping and spatial analytics without requiring extensive SQL or GIS expertise. It is easy to integrate Oracle Spatial Studio project into Oracle APEX.
For the complete list of features and some technical details, please visit the official Oracle Spatial Studio website. Here, I will try to explain the simple steps to deploy Oracle Spatial Studio on a local computer. You can also apply these steps to a cloud computer.
Steps to Install Oracle Spatial Studio on Oracle Linux 9
To install Oracle Spatial Studio, we need the following items:
- Oracle Linux (Server or Desktop) – I will not explain here. We can also use Windows OS but I will cover this later on separate tutorial.
- Oracle Database
- Java SDK
- At least 4 GB of RAM for better performance
Step 1. Install Oracle Database
Oracle Database is the first thing that we need to install. Please follow the steps shown in this article if you want to install Oracle Database on Oracle Linux 9.
Step 2. Install Java JDK
Java Development Kit is also essential software that we need to install in Oracle Linux 9. Follow my previous guide to install Java JDK on Oracle Linux 9.
Step 3. Install Oracle Spatial Studio
After Oracle Database and Java were installed. Now we can start preparing to install/run Oracle Spatial Studio. First, download Oracle Spatial Studio Quick Start package from the link below.
Select the qs version and you will get a zip file.
Now unzip the file
unzip -d /home/oracle/
Change unzip with your actual zip name and also you may change the extract location as per your needs. This process will produce a new folder called Oracle_Spatial_Studio.
Step 4. Allow port 4040
We need to make sure that the server allows the connection to port 4040. To do this, use this command:
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=4040/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Now we can start the Spatial Studio using this command
cd /home/oracle/Oracle_Spatial_Studio

We can now access the Oracle Spatial Studio web

I will make more tutorial about Oracle Spatial Studio, stay tuned.
Use CTRL + C to stop the Spatial Studio. Next, we will change the admin password and create a new user.
How to Change Admin Password
The default password for admin user is welcome1. We need to change this for safety reason. To change the admin password, follow these steps
cd /home/oracle/Oracle_Spatial_Studio
sh admin Oracle.123
The command will change the admin’s password to Oracle.123 and you will see the CRYPT value shown on the screen (see the yellow rectangle).

Copy the encrypted password above to the file under conf directory
nano conf/
Replace the value for CRYPT for the admin user

Now close the editor and save it. Restart Oracle Spatial Studio and now the admin’s password is updated with the new password.
Final Thoughts
Oracle Spatial Studio is a great application to build our own web GIS and mapping software. The integration with Oracle Database is great and we can build a nice and complex web maps with Oracle Spatial Studio.