Hello everyone, welcome to ArcGIS tutorial. In this article, I will show you how to split a polygon based on column value in ArcGIS. So I have a polygon with different blocks inside. And then I will split this polygon using the value in a particular column. So here is my polygon layer opened in ArcMap.

As you can see that this polygon has 9 different sub blocks which each block has different name. Here is the attribute table for this layer

So the idea is to split the polygon based on the TenementID. I was expecting that this process will result 9 different blocks or individual polygons. So here what I do.
Use the Split Tool
Open the Split by Attribute tool. You can find this tool under Analysis Tools >> Extract >> Split. Then this window will pop up.

The Input Table would be the layer/table that I want to split. In my case, I called tenement. And then choose the Target Workspace. I use the Default.gdb as my target. And then, pick the split field. I want to split the table based on the TenementID. Hit OK and see what happens.

This process produce 9 different layers BLOCK_01 to BLOCK_09 which is perfectly that I want.

That’s it. Thanks for reading this short tutorial. Keep safe and see you next time.