A good news for Ubuntu 19.04 users. QGIS is now supports and can be installed on the latest Ubuntu 19.04 without issues. I was trying to install QGIS on my Ubuntu 19.04 few weeks ago and got no luck. But today, I can confirm that QGIS 3.6.2 is now available for Ubuntu 19.04. Thanks to the hard work for the QGIS development team and anyone who involved in this release.
If you are interested in how to install QGIS on Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo, you can follow these steps below.
Step 1. Add the QGIS Repository
First of all, we need to add the QGIS repository to Ubuntu 19.04. We can do this by editing the file /etc/apt/sources.list. I usually use nano to edit the file.
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Now add the following repository lines
deb https://qgis.org/ubuntu disco main
deb-src https://qgis.org/ubuntu disco main
Now close and save the file.
Step 2. Add the GPG Key
Now, we need to add or install the key. Simply copy and paste the following command on Terminal
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key CAEB3DC3BDF7FB45
Step 3. Update and Install QGIS
Finally, we can update our system and install QGIS and all its dependency files automatically. Use this command below
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qgis python3-qgis qgis-plugin-grass
Wait until the install process completes.
Thank you for reading this article. Now you should be able to install QGIS on your Ubuntu 19.04.
May 12, 2019Being fooling around across several headeaches before reaching this guide.
Thanks bro, works like a charm!
January 23, 2020So first of all, how did you figure this out. Impressive. Second, it worked. Thank you. Why does QGIS not able to keep up with current software?
Ingo E
March 26, 2020Thank you for the tutorial.
I am running Ubuntu 19.10.
When running : sudo apt-get update
W: GPG error: https://qgis.org/ubuntu disco InRelease: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 51F523511C7028C3
Could you advise in: How would I go about to install Qgis 2.18.26 with GRASS 7.4.2 ?
Best regards, i
April 22, 2020Just add this key
sudo apt-key adv –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-key 51F523511C7028C3
April 22, 2020Hi Viktor,
$ sudo apt-key adv –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-key 51F523511C7028C3
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.PJvfQEKkkO/gpg.1.sh –keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com –recv-key 51F523511C7028C3
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied. Trying to guess what you mean …
usage: gpg [options] [filename]
Am I missing something ?