Hello everyone, welcome to QGIS tutorial for beginners. In this article we will show you how to add Google Satellite Imagery Tiles to QGIS. Not only Google, we will also be able to add some other online services such as ESRI satellite imagery, topography and so on. It is a pretty easy to load those online services to QGIS. It is not limited to ESRI and Google services. There are hundreds of service which we can choose from. Thanks to the one who build this plugin. It works flawlessly on the latest QGIS 3.22.
All you need is one single great plugin called QMS (Quick Map Services). You may check the official website using the link below.
First, let’s install the QMS plugin to QGIS. Open QGIS and then go to Plugins | Manage and Install Plugins.

Type quickmap on the search box and then select QuickMapServices from the list. Click Install Plugin and wait until if finishes. Once the installation completes, you will see the QMS icon on QGIS toolbar as shown below.

Click the icon and then we can search for the online source that we want to display in QGIS.

Done. Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoy it and see you next time.