Hello everyone, welcome again to Free GIS Tutorial. This time, we are going to learn ArcGIS Pro. Well, this is a new software to me. Previously I use Arc GIS Desktop 10.5 with Arc Map. ArcGIS Pro is a bit different but it’s not difficult to get familiar with it. Well, on this my first ArcGIS tutorial, I am going to show you how to create a new project on ArcGIS Pro. Before we can use the feature inside ArcGIS Pro, create maps, add data to our map, we need to create a new project.
Steps to create a new project on ArcGIS Pro
Open ArcGIS Pro and click Blank template. You can also select another template if you want.
On this example, I choose the Blank template. Now give a new name for our new project.
Make sure you tick the option “Create a new folder for this project”. This will create a new folder for your project. Click OK and now ArcGIS Pro main window should be ready.
Viola, our new ArcGIS Pro project is now ready. You can start create a new map, add data to your new map etc. Stay tuned to our blog to get more tutorial about ArcGIS. Thank you and have a nice day.