In this short tutorial, we will show you how to create random points on ArcGIS Pro. If you are using QGIS, you can also create random points using QGIS. Depending on your case, you may need to generate these kinds of random points inside a polygon or extent. It is very easy to create random points in ArcGIS Pro. You can also use this tutorial even if you still use the older ArcMap.
Steps to Create Random Points on ArcGIS Pro
Open or create a new ArcGIS Project. The Create Random Points tool is licensed under the Data Management Tool. Make sure you have the proper license to use this feature. This tool requires a constraining extent. We can use a feature for the constraining extent or we can also use the current map extent.
Open the Create Random Points tool from the Geoprocessing Toolbox in ArcGIS Pro. You can use the search box to find this specific tool.
Fill in the required details such as Output feature class, constraining extent, and so on. We can also specify the number of points that we want, or the minimum allowed distance between points. Below is an example of my parameter. I want to create 3000 points from the current map window extent.
Click Run to start the process.
That’s it. Now we’ve learned how to create random points using ArcGIS Pro. See you in the next tutorial.