Hello everyone, today we are going to learn QGIS. QGIS is a free GIS software available for Windows, Mac and also Linux. It comes with bunch of features you can use to build beautiful maps and data. Today, we are going to learn how to export or save a layer into CSV format on QGIS. I am using QGIS version 3.0.2.
Export layer to CSV on QGIS 3.0
First, load your layer file. It can be a shapefile, geodatabase or any other type of layer. On this example, I open my ArcGIS Geodatabase file on QGIS. It’s a point layer called test.
To export the layer to CSV, follow these steps below.
Right click the layer you want to export and then select Save as. Change the format to CSV and provide the name and location for the CSV file. Click OK to complete the step.