Welcome to another QGIS Tutorial for Beginners. In this article, I am going to show you how to export a PostGIS layer to Shapefile in QGIS. QGIS is a powerful and rich features GIS software that supports many file types including PostGIS table and Shapefile. So, basically we can easily load the PostGIS table to QGIS and then export as any other formats.
Before we can open the PostGIS table in QGIS, first we need to define or create a new PostGIS connection. Read the following article to find out how to connect QGIS to PostGIS database.
Step 1. Open the PostGIS table to QGIS
Drag and drop the PostGIS table from the QGIS browser to your QGIS canvas.
Step 2. Export the layer to shapefile
Once the PostGIS table is opened on QGIS canvas, you can now export it as Shapefile.
That’s it. I hope you enjoy this short tutorial and see you next time.