In this article, we will learn how to create a new layer by extracting data from an existing layer. The Extract by Attribute tool in QGIS is a very useful tool to extract data from a vector layer and then automatically create a new layer from the result. In the following example, I will demonstrate to extract data from a point layer.
From the point layer above, we will extract the elevation column. Let’s say we want all the points which have the elevation value > 100. There are at least 2 ways to do this. We can use the select by expression and then type the select query in it.
The other way to do this is by using the Extract by Attribute tool. Search for this tool from the QGIS Toolbox.
Select the Input layer which is the point layer that we will use for the extraction process. And then, select the attribute column and then select the operator. In this case, we use > as we want to select all the points which are greater than a certain value. In the Value box, type the desired value we want and then press Run.