In this Micromine Tutorial, we are going to learn how to display an aerial photograph on Micromine. MICROMINE supports a wide range of common image formats from the graphics, GIS, and CAD communities. Before we can display the imagery in MICROMINE Vizex, the image or photograph must be georeferenced.
When an image is georeferenced it has a spatial reference that relates pixel coordinates within the image to real-world coordinates. Minimal georeferencing information comprises the real-world X and Y pixel dimensions and the real-world X- and Y-coordinates of the top-left pixel. But in this tutorial, I am not going to show you how to georeference an image in Micromine. I hope I will write another tutorial for this.
Steps to Display an Aerial Photograph in Micromine
- On the Vizex Form pane, double-click the Image form set the type to display the Image dialog.
- Make sure the Input Data tab is active. Click the […] browse button next to the File response.
- Select the georeferenced file and then click Open.
- MICROMINE will automatically load the georeferencing information and display the selected header in the Georeference group.
- Switch to Display Option and set the image transparency and intensity if you wish to.
- Make sure to set the Interpolation to BILINEAR. Bilinear interpolation ensures the image is displayed smoothly even if it’s zoomed in beyond 1:1 pixel scale.

That’s it. Now you should be able to display your georeferenced image in Micromine.