Hello everyone, welcome to another ArcGIS Pro tutorial for beginners. You may wonder how we can clip raster using polygon in ArcGIS Pro. Well, we will get you covered. In this article, I am going to demonstrate how we can easily crop or clip a raster layer using a polygon. We can do this pretty easily in ArcGIS Pro. In the previous article, I have shown how to do this raster clipping task using QGIS. In this tutorial, I am going to clip my Google satellite imagery.
Steps to Clip Raster in ArcGIS Pro
In order to clip a raster in ArcGIS Pro, we need to open the image/raster first. So let’s open ArcGIS Pro and then open the raster layer we want to clip. In this example, I am going to clip a Google satellite imagery.
Open the image/raster layer in ArcGIS Pro

Now let’s open or create a polygon layer that will be used to cut the image.

Now as you can see, I have the satellite image opened and then a polygon layer that we will use to cut the image is also opened.
Clip Image using Raster Clip Tool
This method will clip the image using a polygon layer. But, instead of creating a new clipped file, this tool will only create a new clipped layer. If the original image file is deleted or moved from its original location, then the clipped.
Go to Imagery >> Raster Function and then search for “clip”

In the Clip Raster Function menu, select the source raster, clipping type (inside or outside), and also the clipping geometry/raster. When all set, click Create new layer button.

As the result, we will have a new clipped layer as below

Please remember that this new clipped image layer is not a permanent file. To make it permanent, we need to export it into the geodatabase.
Clip Raster using Export Raster Tool
If we want to directly clip the raster/image into a new file, then this method is easier. We need to open both the image and the polygon. And then, simply right-click the image raster and choose Data >> Export Raster. And then please specify the required information in the Export raster window.

Specify the output raster, the coordinate system, and also the Clipping geometry. Choose the polygon layer as the clipping geometry. Click Export to start the process.