Hello everyone, welcome to another ArcGIS tutorial. In this article, we are going to learn about SQL Query. I am going to demonstrate how to extract features from a layer using SQL Query. After reading this tutorial, you will be able to use the Select tool to select features from your table or layer.
For example, you have a large contour file and then you need to select the contour which has elevation more than 200 meters only. We are not just select the features. We need to save or export the selection into a new table (shapefile).
First, open the layer into ArcMap. And then go to Arc Toolbox and navigate to Analysis Tools >> Extract >> Select. Then, in the Select window, specify the input feature and output feature class. You can save the result as shapefile or features in the geodatabase file. Click the SQL button and then adjust your SQL expression in the Query Builder window.

In the above example, I want to select features with an altitude value of more than 200m. You can adjust the query expression based on your own case. In my case, I put the following:
alti >= 200
Which means I want to select all objects or features that have alti value more than 200.
August 8, 2022Can we apply a querry on the basis of a boundary, just like we do Selection by location. For example i want to apply a querry to show the data inside my boundary. is it possible on arcmap? and if yes then how?