Hello everyone, welcome to another GIS tutorial. In this article, I will show you how to export raster or image files to the ESRI Geodatabase file. The ESRI Geodatabase file can store both vector and raster files effectively. Imagine if you have hundreds of shapefiles spread all over your network drive. It will take time to find the files. So, putting the raster images of a project into one on several geodatabase files is a great choice.
There are several ways to export an image or raster file to the geodatabase file (.gdb). You can also use third-party software such as Global Mapper to do this job. Global Mapper is a great piece of software you can count on.
Export Raster Image to Geodatabase File Using ArcMap
In order to export the raster to geodatabase file in ArcMap, you can do the following:
- Open the raster image in ArcMap
- Right-click the raster layer and choose Data >> Export Data
- Specify the rester extent, spatial reference, and the geodatabase file output, output name and some other options. Make sure you select Personal geodatabase or file geodatabase in the output format.
- Click Save

You may also want to specify the compression type and quality.
Alternatively, you can use the Copy Raster tool from the ArcGIS toolbox. To export raster using this tool, do the following:
- Open your raster layer in ArcMap
- Open the Copy Raster tool. It’s located under Arc Toolbox >> Data Management Tools >> Raster Dataset >> Copy Raster. Or you can use the search menu to locate this tool.
- On the copy raster window, specify the input raster, output raster dataset (your geodatabase file).
- Click OK to start the export process.

Export Raster Image to Geodatabase File using Global Mapper
Global Mapper can be used to export images, grid, and many other elevation grid datasets to the Geodatabase file. We can also create a new geodatabase file directly from Global Mapper. To export raster image using Global Mapper, do the following:
- Open the raster image in Global Mapper
- Go to File >> Export >> Export Raster/Image to Spatial Database
- Select the ESRI File Geodatabase Table or ESRI Personal Geodatabase Table from the list.
- Browse the geodatabase (.gdb) file
- Click OK

Now provide the name for the exported raster. You can also specify the area to export and some other settings in the next window.

Watch the following video to watch the entire export process.