Hello everyone, welcome to another QGIS Tutorial. In the following article, we are going to learn how to extract feature extents using QGIS. We will use the SAGA Feature extents tool to do this job. In this example, I have a contour layer that contains many contour lines. With the Feature Extents tool, we can easily extract the extent for the entire layer or for every single feature in the layer. Let’s do it.
As you can see, I have a contour layer and we are going to extract the extents for the features in the layer.
Go to SAGA >> Vector General >> Feature extents tool. This tool is available from the QGIS Processing Toolbar. There are three different options we can choose from. I will explain each one below.
Get extent for all shapes
Select the shapes we want to extract the extents. In this case, my contour layer.
If we choose all shapes from the menu, it will produce a single rectangle around the layer.
Get extent for each shape
The second option will produce one polygon for each shape found in the layer.
As you can see below, the algorithm produce one polygon for each shape in the layer. As a result, it produce the extents as many as the shapes in the vector layer.
Get extents for each shape’s part
For this last option, the process will extract the extents for each shape’s part. In my case, the result is same as the previous one.
The result
That’s it. We have learned how to extract feature extents using QGIS with the help of SAGA Feature extents tool. Thanks for reading this article and see you next time. Stay safe and cheers.