Mapinfo Discover Complete Guide for Beginners

Mapinfo Professional is a great GIS application for Windows. Personally, I have been using this software for several years now. The new version of Mapinfo Discover comes with many great features and improvements. After Datamine acquires Mapinfo suites from Pitney Bowes, the name now changed to Datamine Discover. I am going to dedicate this page to anyone who wants to learn Mapinfo from scratch. I called this as Mapinfo Discover Complete Guide for Beginners. We will start with the very basics of Mapinfo to some advanced tutorials. Please bookmark this page since I will keep this page updated.
MapInfo is widely used by professionals in various companies. Personally, I use this MapInfo for my daily tasks in a mineral exploration company. I want to share my experiences with you guys, so I hope you enjoy my tutorials here in this blog. Leave me comments if you have any questions.
Mapinfo Discover Complete Guide for Beginners
A. Introduction
If you are new to MapInfo, you should start with this introduction or a basic usage of MapInfo. The following are some very basic Mapinfo tutorial for beginners.
- Create New Table – A brief tutorial to create a new mapinfo table
- Open Table – Mapinfo supports various GIS formats. In this article, you will see how to open the native Mapinfo table. Read how to open CSV file in Mapinfo, or Open Bing Imagery in Mapinfo Professional
- Change unit settings – Here you can find how to change unit settings in Mapinfo Professional.
- Change Map Projection – A brief tutorial to change the map projection in MapInfo Professional.
B. Database
Mapinfo supports various database types such as PostgreSQL (PostGIS), Oracle Database, and MS Access Database. In the following section, you will find out some tutorials on how to connect Mapinfo Professional with the Database.
- Create Mapinfo_Mapcatalog table. This article will guide you to create the MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG table needed by mapinfo to work with the spatial database.
- Create PostgreSQL ODBC Connection. Don’t know how to connect your PostgreSQL database to Mapinfo? This tutorial will show you how to create a new PostgreSQL ODBC connection in Windows 10.
- Export Mapinfo table to PostGIS. This article will show you how to export the Mapinfo table to the PostGIS database.
C. Data Interoperability
In this section, you will find out how we deal with other GIS file formats in MapInfo Professional.
- Import GPX File in MapInfo Pro. Do you know that MapInfo Pro now supports direct GPX file import?
- Import Micromine String File in MapInfo. If you have Micromine string files, you can easily import them to MapInfo with few clicks.
D. Data Analyst
In the following section, you can learn how to present your data. Mapinfo Professional comes with many tools that you can use to visualize your data.
- Create DEM (Digital Elevation Model) from points in Mapinfo Professional. A quick way to create a DEM/Elevation grid from data points in MapInfo Pro.
Last update: 20 October 2020